Catch up with our latest editions
Celebrating Our Presence at Vivatech 2022 in Paris with Something Special
Case Study - How CirculOil Tracks Assets and Analytics with Live IOT Data Using Softools
How to tailor a lookup panel for table reports
Legends Among Us: Nikki Gribble of Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling
New Features - Card Reports, Chart Styles, “Publish Version”
Join our App Builder Surgery Sessions to experience all-new features
How a Food Engineer Builds and Manages Coke Canada’s Quality Systems with No-Code
Welcoming CIFP La Laboral, A Spanish University, to Our Community
Reaching new heights with community participation
App builder surgery sessions
Legends Among Us: Nanci Dias of Coke Canada
Joining London & Partners’ Business Growth Programme
App Builders Making an Impact
Legends Among Us: Toda Erika
Solving Supply Chain Challenges with University Students
Join Us at the App Builder Surgery Sessions!
Kaizen Toolkit by Softools - Your Culturally-Driven Growth Engine
Performance Improvement Update
New ABC Graduates and What’s Next
Customer Card Reports are Now in Beta Testing
The Fresh Graduates of Softools ABC Course and What’s Coming Next
App Builder Surgery Sessions Are Coming Soon!
Video Tutorial: How to Create a Homepage
Regex Patterns are here!
Going From Workflow V1 to V2
Coming Soon: Styling and Card Reports
Webinar on Digital Transformation for Construction Businesses
Notes from our App Builder Community Event
Regex Configuration is coming to the App Studio
Exciting No Code News and Predictions of 2022
Innovations the Softools team is working on this year
Claim your Softools badge
Our community is growing faster
Video: Best practices of app deployment for large organisations
Improving the platform performance
Investing in Platform stability and performance
Meet our newest Trailblazing App Builder
The Wholesome PMO tool you deserve
Coming soon: Interactive card reports
Sending multiple Emails with one workflow in Workflow V2
App builder Interview - Gustavo Maryssael
The next ABC training cohort
Storing your external integration documentation
Creating a workflow that updates date fields in action trackers
App versioning - first steps
Dual Reports are coming to your Home Dashboards
Featuring app builders making an impact
Reclaim your app-building flow
Rewards for you
Converting your existing workflows to the new Workflow V2
Introducing the Workflow Builder V2
Mega Community event
Automating email notifications to keep users updated
Live Rapid App Building Event
Constantly improving the UI
Hear from one of your own
Tips from the community
Zero to app in 90 seconds
Support article: How to use Dual Screen reports
How a university student uses Softools for her venture
Launching Split Screen Reports
New field update: Attachment Count
Coming soon: Filter Interface Improvements
New feature announcement: Split Screen Reports
New best practices from the community
How does Softools manage the ABC course
Our App Studio’s Add Reports interface gets a makeover
New Feature: Site Styling
We want to feature you
Softools Gets Schooled
Community Webinar Success
New Client Story
Community Webinar
Child App Report Grouping
Bulk-adding Grid Fields to List Reports
The Workspace button is back, baby!
Coming Soon: Styles
NoCodeFounders Webinar
New Visuals for making changes in AppStudio
New sort & filter options for reports
NoCodeFounders partnership announcement
New Document Field
Introducing Grid Expression Templates
New Platform Version