Client Stories
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Supply Chain Compliance Tracker - Going From Idea to Deployment in 2 Days
How Coca-Cola Canada’s Quality Management team and their in-house Softools App Builder solved a compliance issue in their supply chain, and deployed an app for over 50+ sites in just 48 hours.
Digitally Transforming Corporate Risk Management for A Hospitality Conservation Company
They manage 60 luxury lodges and nature conservation programs across 8 African countries…
World-class KPI reporting and digitising Kaizen Continuous Improvement Program
CCBJI is the largest and most successful bottling business in Japan - serving the 125M population with a dedicated workforce of over 6000.
Brexit Paperwork Automation
Lamb exporter reduces their border paperwork process from 4 hours to 15 minutes with Softools
Helping a Hotel Consultancy Deliver Digital Solutions
Industry expert leverages the Softools platform to build bespoke solution for Accor Hotels
Helping Reliance manage large number of projects with automation
Building a digitised back office with increased automation and visibility and reduced project risk
How a Global Automotive Parts Supplier Handles Innovation
Manufacturer manages New Product Development planning and production on integrated app suite
Nightingales Built an App Overnight to Manage Their Resources and Volunteers Safely
Care Home and Home Care Operator rises to COVID-19 challenges with Softools
How a Large Bottling Company Ensures Best Manufacturing Practices over 50 Facilities
The manufacturer uses digital apps built on Softools to share best manufacturing practices and safety standards across locations in the US
How Oxford Instruments Revolutionized their Supplier Onboarding with Softools
High-tech industrial and research products provider manages over 2000 suppliers - from their onboarding, and compliance to annual recertification with Softools.
Saving the Oceans with CirculOil
How a reusable lubricant-cartridges provider tracks assets and live IoT data with Softools