Softools is the most advanced zero-code web-application platform - used by sector leading corporations and public sector organisations in all regions of the world to optimise business process performance.
Softools’s Enteprise Application Platform optimises emerging technologies that increase productivity and reduce operating costs. These technologies include:
Progressive Web: Perhaps the most exciting new web tech allows applications to run off-line – auto-synchronising data once a connection is re-established. ‘Offline First’ capability give near instant user experience, but it also make latency and the need for distributed content a thing of the past
Mobile First: Apps that adopt a ‘Responsive Design’ allow users to operate on any device from smart-phone or tablet to pc – out of the box. True anywhere anytime operation.
AI & Intelligent Cloud: Apps running in the cloud are now considered more scalable and secure than hardware bound on-premise solutions. Emerging new intelligent technologies such as AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning also offer the potential to transform ways-of-working & productivity.
ERP Plug & Play: Extend the capability of Enterprise Systems by spinning up EAP apps and linking in via Published APIs. Time to deliver falls from 6 months to 3 days whilst dramatically enhancing the user experience
IoT Solutions: Deploy smart devices (increasingly referred to as the Intelligent Edge) to generate real-time performance data of any operation or process, and feed this via an IOT Hub into the EAP to aggregate, analyse and ultimately drive action across the business.
Microsoft continues to be our most strategic technology partner. As well as delivering the world's most secure and scalable web hosting environment, the Microsoft Azure stack continues to drive innovation and opportunities for step changes in client performance.
Emerging technologies that will keep Softools' clients at the forefront of what is possible and ensure that solutions never become out of date include: Internet of Things IoT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge bots, and the Progressive Off-line Web.
We are now live on Microsoft AppSource - the public marketplace for showcasing line-of-business apps created by Microsoft and its partners that are readily available to try and use off-the-shelf. Click here to find the marketplace